Posted by: makkf | April 29, 2008


Two HK democrats banned from Macau

Macau authorities refused entry to two Hong Kong political figures yesterday ahead of the Olympic torch relay in the two cities this week.

Former legislator Michael Mak Kwok-fung and activist Chan Cheong, both members of the League of Social Democrats, were turned back despite being there, respectively, to attend a meeting and take a holiday.

It was the latest in a series of refusals of Hong Kong residents to enter Macau.

Earlier this month, league member Andrew To Kwan-hang was turned back when he tried to enter Macau on holiday with his wife. Some Falun Gong practitioners have also been turned away.

Speaking at the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal after returning, Mr Mak said he was surprised about his treatment and believed it was linked to the Olympic torch relay, which will be held in Hong Kong on Friday and Macau on Saturday.

“While the Macau police did not give me any formal reason why I was refused entry, they appeared to deliberately let me overhear their conversation, with one officer telling the other that it was inappropriate for me to visit during the period of the relay,” Mr Mak said.

“This is completely ridiculous. How can they rob me of the right to travel? I was not going to stay in Macau and organise a protest. I was only going to attend a medical conference. I even bought a same-day-return ticket.”

Mr Mak planned to attend a half-day conference in Macau with about 30 members of the College of Mental Health Nursing, of which he is vice-president.

But after getting off the ferry he was told by Macau immigration that “my name was on the blacklist”, and promptly escorted to an interview room. The rest of the group continued to the conference.

While Mr Mak was in the interview room, Mr Chan, who arrived in Macau with his wife an hour after Mr Mak, was escorted into the same room.

Both were given an official letter saying they had been denied entry in accordance with an internal security law. Under that law, people considered unwelcomed, who could endanger Macau’s security or are linked to international terrorist groups are barred from visiting Macau.

A spokesman for security police said the city had the legal authority to refuse people entry.
The pair said they would complain to the Hong Kong government.



澳門拒社民連兩成員入境 議員:打壓異見人士「交足功課」 

【本報訊】港府拒絕國殤之柱創作人高志活(Jens Galschiot)入境,被狠批將香港變成一國一制。澳門政府打壓異見人士手法更過份,昨在短短兩小時內先後拒絕兩名社會民主連線成員麥國風和陳昌入境觀光。澳門立法會議員吳國昌指這明顯是當地特首何厚鏵借奧運的「機遇」,交足功課向中央立功。








社民連去年5.1 曾聲援澳門工人黃毓民指出,相信是因為社民連去年五.一到澳門聲援工人,所以被列入黑名單。澳門警方消息稱,他們是根據澳門特別行政區內部保安綱要法及相關法律規定,依法阻止麥國風進入澳門特區。
【本報訊】社民連副主席麥國風及常委陳昌昨早先後到澳門參加交流及遊覽時被拒入境,社民連主席黃毓民對事件感氣憤,認為澳門當局因擔心該會成員趁奧運聖火傳送期間到當地「搞搞震」,才拒絕兩人入境,他稍後會向澳門當局跟進了解。另外,丹麥駐港領事館對國民高志活(Jens Galschiot )日前被拒進入本港感不滿,將於今日或明日會見保安局局長李少光,要求港府就事件提供實質理據。






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